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Businesses are built on relationships. No successful business professional gets there on their own. Building a professional network built on mutually beneficial relationships and continually investing in them allows business people to access a wide variety of resources, constructive feedback, and expert knowledge. Here are some tips for building positive business relationships.

Consistent Check-Ins

Once you connect with an important contact, it’s not enough to just connect on LinkedIn and only reach out when you need something. Make a habit of regularly reaching out and checking in with valuable contacts to build a consistent relationships. Show an interest in their pursuits and offer help when appropriate. This way, when you need their help, you will come from a place of established camaraderie.

Shared Value

Look for connections who you can establish shared value with. Find people who you and your business can help and who can offer something in return. This can help ensure that your relationship isn’t one-sided. Play to your strengths, and don’t be afraid to sell yourself a little bit–as long as you are strategic and respectful, people will be interested in building relationships that add value to their own careers.

Education over Selling

However, be careful not to sell too hard. It is typically more beneficial to take an educational approach rather than trying to sell your product or service. Focus on thought leadership marketing and sharing what you are passionate about. This helps you build credibility and set a strong foundation for professional relationships.

Trust and Credibility

Finally, know that all relationships are based on trust and credibility. Be honest, straightforward, and professional in your interactions. Professionals don’t want to feel used or manipulated, so ensure you don’t come across that way. Relationships require authenticity, even in the business world, so don’t oversell yourself or make false promises if you want to build lasting connections.


Networking can be challenging, and it takes time to build relationships with established professionals. However, if you are consistent and keep these principles in mind, you will slowly be able to build a network of connections that can help connect you with the knowledge and resources you need to succeed.